Oregon’s Agricultural Progress magazine is a report to the taxpayers of Oregon from Oregon State University’s Agricultural Experiment Station. Our stories, and the photography and design that help tell those stories, show how agriculture contributes to the economy, environment, and social structure of Oregon and the world. Our goal is to capture the interest of people who might otherwise think they have no connection to agricultural research. We reach readers through our awarding-winning print magazine, our multimedia online magazine, and our new app for tablets.
Oregon’s Agricultural Experiment Station is the principal agricultural research engine in the state. We conduct research in the agricultural, biological, social, and environmental sciences for the economic, social, and environmental benefit of Oregon. Our researchers work in five OSU Colleges and at eleven Branch Stations across the state, and with collaborators around the world.
Extension and Experiment Station Communications is a department within the College of Agricultural Sciences and a program within OSU Extension. In addition to producing Oregon’s Agricultural Progress, we create learning material in many forms, including news and information in multiple media for public issues education and outreach.
OSU’s College of Agricultural Sciences works across Oregon and around the world to help solve problems to ensure human health, economic health, and environmental health for generations to come. In the College, toxicologist and geneticists collaborate with environmental and crop scientists to understand the interaction of health and natural resources. And students experience a STEM education that combines basic and applied sciences in real-world settings.